About Dr. Daniels


Dr. Daniels is a licensed clinical psychologist (UT License: 9518926-2501) with specialized training in Pediatric Neuropsychology.  She has been providing neuropsychological evaluations to children, adolescents, & young adults since 2010. She is trained to evaluate a wide spectrum of psychological and neuropsychological concerns including mental health disorders, AD/HD, intellectual disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders (including Autism Spectrum Disorder), learning disorders (including Dyslexia), and various medical or brain-based conditions, like epilepsy, genetic syndromes, concussions or traumatic brain injury.

Dr. Daniels uses individualized and evidenced-based assessment tools to help young people develop and thrive in home, school, & community settings.  She makes specific & comprehensive recommendations for parents, teachers, & mental health providers about interventions and supportive strategies based on a child’s specific cognitive, adaptive, & psychological profile. 

Personal: Dr. Daniels feels privileged to be able to work with children, who never fail to delight and amaze her. Outside of her work, Dr. Daniels loves travel, movies, cats, and board games and plays the viola in a local community orchestra. She was born and raised in Minnesota, where she loved camping among the north woods and lakes. When not in the office, you might find Dr. Daniels taking in a Sundance film screening or wandering through Utah’s majestic mountains and foothills.

Brief Resume:

  • B.A. - Williams College, Psychology (Cum Laude, with Honors in Psychology)

  • M.S. & Ph.D. - Penn State University, Child Clinical Psychology

  • Predoctoral Residency in Psychology - Devereux Foundation, Villanova, PA

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Neuropsychology - Gale & Associates Center for Assessment and Psychotherapy, Park City, UT

  • Staff Neuropsychologist / Lead Psychologist - Neurobehavioral Center for Growth, Bountiful & Salt Lake City, UT (2017 - 2020)